I believe in the Affirmation Principle.

Affirmations are positive statements that reinforce positive outcomes. In order for this to work, you must write them down every day. Some may be aspirational; something that you would like to happen. You can repeat them as often as you need. So how will this help you in real estate? It helps you to always remain positive.

Don't go on listing appointments. Go and get listings. By just saying that you are going on an appointment you're leaving not getting the listing on the table. Stop showing property. Start selling property. Features tell and benefits sell. During your presentation, always follow a feature with how that feature will benefit the customer. Customers buy benefits not features.

I always close with the assumptive close. I assume they'll sign the contract. Closing starts when you meet your customer. I assume that they will buy from the begging, do a proper presentation, and ask for the order!

I'm Ric Giumenta. You can have a good day or a bad day. It's your choice. Make good choices.